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更新时间:2017-11-30   点击次数:616次

Setting the cutoff distance  截止距离的调节  Using a small screwdriver in the adjustment screw , adjust the cutoff distance until the threshold is reached and the green light indicator changes state.(If the indicator never comes ON, the background is beyond the maximum sensing cutoff and be ignored.)  用一个小起子调节螺丝旋钮,调节截止距离,直到其临界值且绿色指示灯状态变化。(如果指示灯没有on,则为背景超过了zui大传感距离,且被忽略)  Note the position of the rotating cutoff position indicator at this position.  注意,旋转的该位置就是截止位置。  Then repeat the procedure, using the darkest target, placed in its most distant position for sensing. Adjust the cutoff so that the indicator is midway between the two positions.  重复以上过程,在黑暗目标,用更远的距离进行感应,调节截至距离直到其在两个刻度的中间位置。  Sensing Reliability 传感器可靠性  For highest sensitivity, the sensor-to-object distance should be such that the object will be sensed at or near the point of maximum excess gain. 
为了获得高灵敏度,被检测物体的感应距离必须满足以下条件:该物体必须要在传感器的额定增益之内。   The excess gain curves on page 1 show excess gain vs. sensing distance for 200 mm and 2 m cutoffs.  该增益曲线如*页所示,额定增益的距离为200mm到2m之间。  Maximum excess gain for a 200 mm cutoff occurs at a lens-to-object distance of about 150 mm, and for a 2 m cutoff ,at about 500 mm. 
zui大额定增益为200毫米时,截止距离在透镜到检测物体的距离约150毫米,2米时,约500毫米。  The background must be placed beyond the cutoff, at about 500 mm. Following these two guidelines makes it possible to detect objects of low reflectivity, even against close-in reflective backgrounds.  其背景都必须放在截止面以外约500毫米。检测低反射率的对象, 下面的两个指标是可行的, 即使针对近程反射背景。  Background reflectivity and placement 背景反射率和安置  Avoid mirror-like backgrounds that produce specula reflections. False the sensor’s light more strongly to spouse will occur if a background surface reflects the sensor’s light more strongly to the near detector(R1) than to the far detector(R2).